Tel: +61 (0)405432130
Why You're Here
There are two categories of patient that I work with.
Either you're currently experiencing some kind of pain or joint restriction, living with an inability to move comfortably that is impacting your daily routine,
or you're looking for regular maintenance treatment to keep you moving efficiently and without pain.
Maybe looking for the elusive 'competitive advantage' that most sports people are chasing.
Chronic and/or complex pain
Most of my patients arrive in this category.
After talking through your health history and assessing your current circumstances I'll work with you to alleviate the pain you're experiencing as quickly as possible. I promise that I will try to make the current treatment you're receiving with me the last treatment you'll need for the pain.
If it's a short term injury that you're struggling with, I'll work with you to unload the injury and give it the best chance to heal as quickly as possible.
We'll chat through your activities of daily life (ADLs) that might need to be altered, but generally we'll keep you moving whilst your body repairs itself.
If it's a longer term, chronic issue, I work with the soft tissue, nerves and bones of your body to 'negotiate' with your brain to help it understand that the threat it's currently alarmed by isn't a physical threat. It's become a consequence of your brain's processing and I can manually interact with the structures to alter the reporting of harm from the area.
A couple of other things you should know:
1. I don't believe in "The Infinity Plan". You know, those therapists that tell you you're going to need X number of treatments for X number of weeks, months or (sometimes even) YEARS! I disagree with this approach so strongly that I've actually built my work around the exact opposite.
2. I don't advertise. This website is about as far as I go in soliciting for new patients. 99.9% of my patient load is generated by word of mouth referrals. I strongly believe in letting my hands-on work speak for itself through the people that have experienced it.
Maintenance falls into two categories of its own: maintenance for daily living and maintenance for sporting performance.
As I said above, most people arrive at my door looking for resolution to a particular issue, but once that's resolved, what next?
Often, even with the best intentions, stretching and self-treatment regimes fall by the wayside once the pain that drove you to seek help no longer exists.
Daily life is busy enough, without having to roll around on the ground stretching for an hour a day!
So folk tend to look for an easier answer. And that's coming back to see me. The frequency is determined by you, the patient. You'll find your own mojo; 4 weeks, 6 weeks, quarterly, whatever it is.
There's no pre-defined answer and I certainly won't push you into coming back if you don't feel you need it!
I liken it to getting your car serviced. You're not always aware how the performance is slowly degrading, but when they give it back to you once the service is completed it feels like you're driving a new car again (hopefully)!
You get the idea.
Maintenance for sport is entirely different.
I have run marathons for more than 30 years now. I'm well aware of training cycles: periodisation, volumes, intensity and the like. (I've completed Athletics Australia advanced coaching badges for middle and long distance running).
A favourite saying that I snaffled from a colleague some years back, is that we need to meet the trauma of training with an equal and opposite trauma. A good trauma. The undoing of the damage we inflict upon ourselves.
I DO NOT subscribe to no pain no gain when it comes to treatment. I truly believe that that is wholeheartedly wrong. Sure sessions can get a bit uncomfortable, another favourite term is "delicious discomfort", but you're in control. You'll guide me and tell me if something is beyond delicious and just uncomfortable.
Know pain. Know gain.
I like that one too!
I'll focus on biomechanical efficiency. From the cellular level right up to whole body movement. This treatment is about providing you with a competitive advantage. Allowing you to train as hard as you want ensuring maximum performance.